Welsh Black Cow
General Appearance
Deep, long, with greater depth through hind quarters than through forequarters. Straight top line. Free and easy walk.
Head and Horns
Moderate in length, wide forehead, good depth through jaw; eyes large, placid and prominent; ears fairly large, thickly covered with soft hairs; horns fine and well spread. So long as the horns start straight from the head, a good deal of latitude is allowed as to their direction, but on the whole a moderately level horn, turning upwards at the tips, is preferable.
Fine and well set; throat as clean as possible.
Free from coarseness, fitting nicely into the body, and not prominent at the points.
Big roomy middle, well sprung ribs, deep, strong over loins with well-fitting tail-head that is not prominent.
Thighs, Hind Legs & Feet
Thighs broad but not too thick, reaching down to the hocks, hocks well apart. Hind legs straight from hocks to pastern. Feet sound.
Moderate to large but not fleshy; carried well forward and reaching well up between the thighs and not pendulous; quarters not divided; teats of moderate size and placed well apart. Skin thin and pliable.
Skin, coat and colour
Skin: Moderately thick; pliable.
Hair: Thick soft and fairly long. Tightly curled hair is objectionable.
Colour: Black. The intensity of the colour varies from rusty black to jet black. Some white is allowed on the underline.
Welsh Black Bull
General Appearance
Deep, long, with straight top and bottom line, with plenty of bone. Free and easy walk.
Short to moderate in length, wide forehead, good depth through jaw; eyes large, placid and prominent; ears fairly large, thickly covered with soft hairs; horns protruding straight outward at base, curving slightly forward, fairly strong and rounded at roots. In young animals the horns are generally rough and of dark slate colour, later becoming smoother and straw or ivory coloured with black tips.
Medium in length, thick and strong with good crest; throat as clean as possible.
Free from coarseness, fitting closely into the body, and not prominent at the points, which should be rounded and neatly embedded.
Deep wide and capacious. Straight back, strong wide loins. Ribs long and well sprung; no depression behind the shoulder, and no hollowness under the loin. Deep in flank.
Moderately low set, well rounded and not prominent.
Hind Quarters, Legs & Feet
Long, wide and deep. The whole appearance rounded rather than square on top; straight down behind when looking from side. Thighs broad and thick, well fleshed down to the hocks. The setting of the tail should be level with the top line, neat, and free from coarseness. Hind legs straight from hocks to pastern. Feet sound.
Skin, coat and colour
Skin: Moderately thick; pliable.
Hair: Thick soft and fairly long. Tightly curled hair is objectionable.
Colour: Black. Some white is permitted on the underline behind the navel. The intensity of the colour varies from rusty black to jet black.